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About Me

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XingSong Lin in B.S. CS from QC.

Course && Skill

Course skill
Data Structures C++ Python
Algorithms JAVA Numpy
Database Management Systems JavaScript Pandas
Image Processing Html Matplotlib
Natural Language Processing CSS Seaborn
Machine Learning Bootstrap4 Plotly
Neural Networks and Deep Learning Node.js Cufflinks
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization SQL MongoDB
Structuring Machine Learning Projects Microsoft Office
Convolutional Neural Networks Powerpivot


Data Analysis

Clean and restructure the database using T-SQL.
Exlporing as .csv file.
Using PowerPivot within the Excel to do data Analysis.

business intelligence

Team Zero Project

Woking as group to build an android app.
The App is able to connect to database on server side and make data changes on the table.

Raw Code

Image Processing

Class work with severl algorithms.

Take a Look

Deeplearning.ai Specialization

Through five interconnected courses, learners develop a profound knowledge of the hottest AI algorithms, mastering deep learning from its foundations (neural networks) to its industry applications (Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, etc.).

Take a Look